Cyclicvoltammetry of O2/O2 in aprotic solvent

Fig.1. Cyclic voltammograms for 4.8 × 10−3 mol dm−3 O2 in DMF containing 0.1 mol dm−3 tetrapropylammonium perchlorate recorded with a glassy carbon electrode at a scan rate of 0.1 V s−1.

When a supporting electrolyte is added to an aprotic solvent such as acetonitrile, DMF, or DMSO to dissolve gaseous O2 and a potential is applied to the solution, O2 is reduced by one electron to generate O2. This situation is drawn as a current-voltage curve as shown in Figure 1 by cyclic voltammetry, which is a typical electrochemical method.

This quasi-reversible cyclic voltammogram suggests that the electrogenerated O2 exists relatively stably and returns to O2.

O2 + e- ↔ O2 E° = −1.284 V vs Fc+/Fc     (1)

It is possible to accurately analyze the cyclicvoltammogram of O2/O2 by the Nernst equation and digital simulation technic with measuring many conditions such as measurement temperature, electrolyte concentration, electrode area, scan rates.

Nernst equation

E = E0 + RT/zF * ln{aOx/aRed}    (2)

  • E0: standard redox potential
  • R: gas constants
  • T: temperature (K)
  • z: number of electron
  • a: activity coeficient
  • F: Faraday constants (96 485 C mol−1)

Electrogenerated superoxide radical anion: O2•−

In aprotic solvents, O2•– is electrogenerated via one-electron reduction of O2  at −1.284 V versus the ferrocenium ion/ferrocene (Fc+/Fc) couple (eq 2). The reactivity between electrogenerated O2•– and added substrates is observable in modification of reversible CVs of O2/O2•– (Fig.1).

In the presence of acidic substrate such as phenols, the loss of reversibility in the O2/O2•– is due to the proton transfer (PT) from the phenols forming hydroperoxi radical (HO2, eq 3) and subsequent reactions (eq 4-5).

O2•− + PhOH → HO2 + PhO   proton transfer  (3)

HO2 + e- →  HO2     E° = −0.4 to −0.2 V vs Fc+/Fc  (4)

HO2+ PhO → HO2 + PhO      electron transfer  (5)

Reactivity of electrogenerated O2

In the electrochemical study of O2, O2 is electrogenerated and the reactivity of O2 toward sample is observed by coexisting in the solution. O2 becomes a doublet radical by adding an electron to the π-orbital of the triplet oxygen molecule (Figure 1 red arrow), and is metabolized while becoming a precursor of the subsequent ROA in the reaction process.

By adding biological components such as cells, DNA, proteins, and various pharmaceuticals to O2 generated by the reduction of O2, it is possible to analyze its oxidation mechanism by O2.

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